Well it's been quite a while since I've updated the blog.
I'm very happy to report that Fudge had a great big litter of 8 kittens earlier in the summer. Between the kittens and the dogs there's not been much time to update here with the pictures I've been taking.
Fudge is taking a rest here after feeding such a big litter for the last 13 weeks.
The litter consisted on one burmese variant girl (just like Fudge), 3 full expression chocolate self asians (2 boys and a girl), a full expression chocolate ticked tabby girl (just like her dad Eddie) and 3 burmese colour restriction chocolate ticked tabby boys. Here they all are at 8 weeks of age.
One of the chocolate self boys was really tiny at first, though he's caught up and passed most of the rest of them now. He's such a pet though, always wanting to sit on your lap and follows me where ever I go. He's going to make a really exceptional pet and I'll certainly be sorry to see him go. Here he is, loving the attention as usual.
The 3 little pale boys, the burmese colour restriction ticked tabbies, are all full of life and character. It's hard to describe their colouring exactly and the pictures don't do them justice. They just look so unusual in real life.
The full expression ticked tabby girl is really very like her dad Eddie. Her colour is rich and warm and she's got a lovely temperament too, always looking for attention.
And finally another of the full expression chocolate selfs. They really are such a rich chocolate colour, unlike anything you'd find on a moggy.
The kittens had their final vaccinations this week so they're all ready for their new homes now. Some of them have already been booked but there are still some available. Our other queen, Coco, may have a litter later in the summer, but thats not 100% definite yet.
If you'd like any further information regarding Asian cats or if you're looking to acquire a wonderful, loving pet, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email or phone.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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